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Transpolis platform

The Transpolis platform is an 80-hectare platform for testing and experiments in the field of intelligent, low-carbon cities and mobility, located in the Ain plain, 45 km to the East of Lyon. It is co-owned by Transpolis and the Université Gustave Eiffel. It is organised into several flexible modular zones, designed to accommodate different experiments, partly due to its high level of preexisting equipment (320 km of optical fibres interconnecting more than 150 computer terminals in real time, G5, 5G, Wi-Fi, etc.):

  • Three crash test areas for road safety infrastructure;
  • An area of motorway and country roads for vehicle testing;
  • A full-scale urban mobility laboratory, as well as 1.8 km ring road surrounding this “laboratory city”: based on a systemic approach and the dynamic involvement of the many relevant sectors (vehicle technology, infrastructure, energy networks, users, transport operators, land use planning, etc.).

The eRoadMontBlanc project demonstrator

As part of the eRoadMontBlanc project, the Transpolis platform is fundamental to providing a controlled environment for assessing this ERS solution through a 420 metre long demonstrator. This is a key step before the solution can be implemented on open roads.

Through this testing phase, the proper operation and performance of the system is assessed in various use cases:

  • Compatibility with winter conditions,
  • Interoperability between various types of vehicles (commercial vehicles, trucks, etc.)
  • Compatibility with specific road configurations (curves, higher gradients, etc.),
  • Flexibility of lateral collection,
  • Contact energy transfer efficiency (≥ 97%),
  • Power transfer of up to 500 kW (for heavy goods vehicles), making it possible for the vehicle to be powered and the batteries to be recharged at the same time.

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